
Spray-Teck is anthropomorphous self learning robot, projected to spray liquid and powder paints, to use for wood, plastic, metallic and ceramic components. It can be employed with or without electrostatic systems. This machinery contains important innovations, qualified to have:

- high reliability level and handling
- high precision on wirst and arm
- high level of quality
- low costs of maintenance

Spray-Teck has been built by protections according EC Directive 94/9/EC, concerning "Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres". For this reason in can be used in Zone 2 refering Atex Directive.

Rotation Axes
Spray-Teck can toh ave 5 or 6 rotation axes.

Brusheless servo motors
By brusheless servo motors and internal control system, Spray-Teck guarantees high fidelity to replay memorized trajectories.

- Spray-Teck 5 axes fix base
- Spray-Teck 5 axes carousel
- Spray-Teck 6 axes fix base
- Spray-Teck 6 axes carousel

Emploing of machine
The machine has been designed to use in painting working area with solvent and water laquer, by low and high pressure. For these reasons it can be used in varnishing area up to Zone 2 of the classifications risks, according to Atex Directive.

Other options
- sector programming to correct possible mistakes
- programming with controlled rotation of the piece
- washing cycle of spray gun
- sequentially listes programming
- bar code readout
- possibility to extend and shorter robotic arm
