
Since 2002 our factory decided to propose at customers Colorex and
Colorsix, two new painting robots with 5 and 6 axis with self learning program
system, projected according last rules refering equipments intended for use
in work environment with potentially explosive atmospheres.
Both robots have built by protections Ex-nP, Ex-nA and "c" concerning
Directive 94/9/EC Atex. They can be use to spray liquid and powder paints,
for wood, plastic,metallic and ceramic components, with or without
electrostatic system. Colorex has 5 axes, Colorsix has 6 axes. Both models
can be built in two versions: fixe base and carousel system.

- Colorex with fixe base
- Colorex with carousel system
- Colorsix with fixe base
- Colorsix with carousel system

Explosion-proof option
The machines have been designed to be used in varnishing environment
up to Zone 1 of the risk classification, according to Atex Regulation.
For an employment in a less restrictive workplaces, they can be used
without the existing protections. Possible protections can later be added by
the customer.

Transformation of robot Colorex in Colorsix without changing machine.
In this case the upper arm will be replaced and the control system for the
sixth axis will be connected to the pre-arranged electric board.

Other options
- sector programming to correct possible mistakes
- sequential programming
- bar code readout
- washing cycle of automatic gun
